ErgoImager performs 3D biomechanical analysis from various models. ErgoImager interfaces with NexGen Ergonomics’ MQ biomechanical model. When using the Kinect®, the software animates a digital human model. Users can record human motion and apply it to a 3D mannequin using various features from our HumanCAD® technology. ErgoImager provides reports with the original images and selected results from our MQ biomechanical model.
ErgoImager provides results on the screen as well as reports with the original image, mannequin in the posture matching the image and selected results from our MQ model. These reports can be exported to Microsoft’s Word software so that users can easily customize the reports to their needs.
The 3D mannequin is easily positioned over an image to reflect or match the position of the person performing the task in the digital image using the 3D manipulator to perform Inverse kinematics (IK) and forward kinematics (FK).
You can capture and measure anthropometry with the Kinect. Captured images can be included in a variety of reports.
You can also change the anthropometry of the mannequin (subject) using additional ErgoImager functions. The software also calculates the Center of Mass and Center of Gravity.
Captured video and movements using the Microsoft Kinect can be used to create animations which can be exported.
The following file formats are compatible with ErgoImager:
- Bitmap (bmp)
- Graphics Interchange Format (gif)
- Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpeg)
- Portable Network Graphics (png)
- Truevision Graphics Adapter (tga)
- 3GPP File Format (3gp)
- Audio Video Interleaved (avi)
- Flash Video (flv)
- Moving Pictures Expert Group 4 (m4v-mp4)
- Motion JPEG (mjpeg)
- Matroska (mkv)
- QuickTime (mov)
- Moving Pictures Expert Group (mpg-mpv)
- Theora Movie Format (ogg)
- Windows Media Video (wmv)
System Requirements
Without a Kinect® Sensor
The following lists the system requirements to run ErgoImager without the Kinect (no motion capture).
- Microsoft Windows 7, 8, or 10
- Intel/AMD CPU, dual-core 1.8 GHz or more
- 4 GB RAM
- 3D hardware accelerated graphics card (AMD or NVidia recommended)
With a Kinect® 1 Sensor
The following lists the system requirements to run ErgoImager with the Kinect version 1 (ability to capture motion).
- Microsoft Windows 7, 8, or 10
- Intel/AMD CPU, dual-core 2.66 GHz
- 4 GB RAM
- Dedicated USB 2.0 bus
- 3D hardware accelerated graphics card (AMD or NVidia recommended)
- A Kinect 1 sensor
With a Kinect® V2 Sensor
The following lists the system requirements to run ErgoImager with the Kinect version 2 (ability to capture motion).
- Microsoft Windows 8 or 10
- 64 bit (x64) CPU I7 3.1 GHz
- 4 GB RAM
- Built-in USB 3.0 host controller (Intel or Renesas chipset) Note: If you’re adding USB 3.0 functionality to your existing PC through an adapter, please ensure that it is a Windows 8 compliant device and that it supports Gen-2.
- DX11 capable hardware accelerated graphics card (see list of known good adapters below)
- Intel HD 4400 integrated display adapter
- ATI Radeon HD 5400 series
- ATI Radeon HD 6570
- ATI Radeon HD 7800 (256-bit GDDR5 2GB/1000Mhz)
- NVidia Quadro 600
- NVidia GeForce GT 640
- NVidia GeForce GTX 660
- NVidia Quadro K1000M
- A Kinect v2 sensor
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