Aged Care Expo Townsville
Last Saturday, our Townsville based consultant Freya attended the Aged Care Expo 2022 at the stadium in Townsville. There was much interest again in our highly specialized Aussie Ergonomics Rehabilitation Engineering services. Freya talked to aged care providers about pressure mapping and customized seating, amongst other services. We look forward to further strengthen our support of the local aged care community through streamlined relationships with major aged care providers and nursing homes!
Once framework agreements are mutually agreed with major aged care providers, plan managers and occupational therapists in Townsville will be able to refer patients which are not participating in NDIS. These patients will then be covered under their existing aged care plans.
Beyond age care, we provide all NDIS participants with services as a registered NDIS provider. If in doubt about services covered under your NDIS plan, please give us a call to discuss!