Aussie Ergonomics officially kicks-off new eCommerce system
Just in time for Australia Day 2023, Aussie Ergonomics has officially launched its new eCommerce system. Packed with over 100 Human Factors Ergonomics and Rehabilitation Engineering products and systems which are mostly unique in Australia, our eCommerce system allows easy access. Our customers will now find key product information, as well as clarity on pricing and shipping cost via our user-friendly interface which applies ergonomic human-computer interaction principles. We have developed the Aussie Ergonomics eCommerce system for well over a year – an achievement made possible only thanks to a Queensland Government DESBT business grant. Aussie Ergonomics ships all its products Australia wide and to the wider region via partners Australia Post and DHL.
We invite customers to explore our new eCommerce system with many exciting new products offered, such as the latest Kinetisense AI driven markerless posture and motion analysis system. As previously, our own customized, pressure optimized wheelchair cushions will normally require OT referral and customer/wheelchair specific dimensional data. Please give us a call before you order.